
LITERALLY two LLamaswifhats

That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!
That kills people!

The Story.
Paul and Carl.

Meet Paul and Carl, two llamas with more personality in their hats than you’ll find in a fancy tea party. These aren’t your parent’s pasture pals. Oh no, they're the real, slightly unhinged stars of 'Llamas with Hats'—one's a mischief maestro and the other's... well, let's just say he's got an appetite for chaos. Unlike the posers with paws, our dynamic duo is the real deal, and they're here to chew grass and spit out laughs—and buddy, they're all out of grass.


No Drama Llama-nomics

Picture this: a gigantic field of tokens, 1 billion to be exact, and not a single grubby hand scooping up more than they can chew. That's right, we're talking a big, fat zero in the greed department. No team gobbling up the goodies – we're all about that fair share flare.And taxes? Forget about it. We wouldn’t touch 'em with a ten-foot pole. Our monie's lounging on the Solana beach, sipping on something cool (or whatever the heck llamas sip on—cactus juice with a twist?).

So what's the deal? Simple. We keep it clean and lean. No need for those fancy finance words; we're just here to have a good time and maybe, just maybe, make sure Carl doesn't trade his hat for a jet ski. Again. It's all the fun, none of the fuss. Because, in the end, isn't that what being a llama with a hat is all about?

team tokens

Llama Landmarks

Llamas Launch on Solana

We're setting sail on the Solana sea, with the smoothest launch since Carl discovered jetpacks. This is where we take our first leap, unleashing our tokens into the wild with the elegance of a llama on a trampoline

Herd Harmony

Once we're out there, it's all about the vibe. We're gathering a community that's tighter than a llama's wool sweater. Our aim? To grow our flock of followers into a force so lively and dynamic, it'll feel like a perpetual llama fiesta

The Great Llama Gathering

With our herd humming, we'll turn up the volume on engagement. We're talking about fostering such a strong sense of camaraderie that even the most solitary llama would want to join our shindig. Expect chats, hats, and perhaps some digital spat—just for laughs

Llama Land Expansion

As our community blossoms, we'll spread our hooves far and wide. This is the phase where we broaden our pasture, taking our token to every corner of the blockchain where a llama can roam. More exchanges, more visibility, and more 'monie' moving

The Age of Llama Enlightenment

What's the end game? To make sure that when someone thinks of fun, they think of us. We're not just building a token; we're curating a culture, an ethos, a world where the party never ends, and the hats never go out of style

Get in on the Llama Drama!

Hats? Check. Llamas? Check. A whole herd of fun? Double-check! It's time to slide into the most happening flock in town. Swap stories, share laughs, and maybe even pick out a new hat with friends who love a good llama tale as much as you do. This is where the magic happens, in the hubbub of our bustling Discord server.So if you're into grand adventures, capricious capers, or just hanging out with some digitally savvy llamas, click that button. Our Discord is where all the cool grass-eaters gather. No drama (well, maybe a little), just llamas. Come for the memes, stay for the community—this is where you find your tribe

Join the llamas